Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Responsibility of the Rise of Donald Trump

I didn't watch the Republican GOP debate last night. I also hate politics. So take this blog with a grain of salt. Or disregard it altogether if it makes you feel better. But those brave enough to continue will be rewarded with a secret... a secret which will reveal who exactly is responsible for this spectacle we have been witnessing recently.

By now you know that Donald Trump has emerged as a serious contender to represent the Republican party at the next election. Some have even claimed he poses a threat to front-runner Hilary Clinton, who seemed to be in control not so long ago, mostly due to her familiarity and surname. Like me, you also might have missed last night's disaster but have heard some of it's contents, which apparently included Trump blasting his fellow candidates (and their wives) about their physical appearance. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Here we have the potential 'leader of the free world' (aka slave to the rich) on a national platform essentially calling people ugly. Politics has always been a circus, but never as evident as now. And let me tell you, people are MAD about it.

But before you go on your lil pointless rant about Trump's antics, I want to shed some light on who is really responsible for this whole ordeal. Who really allowed a doofus like Trump to ascend on this meteoric rise. Who gave him the stage to spread his nonsense to the masses, letting his poisonous words penetrate this defenseless nation's ears.


Yeah, muthafucka. You. I'm on my MJ shit. It starts with the man in the mirror.

This country has been headed down this doomed path for quite some time. It should have been easy to see. But apparently we thought consuming hours of reality TV every day would have no consequences. With every new show, we propel another worthless scumbag to infamy, granting them instant celebrity status. The dumber they are, the more famous. Kim Kardashian is arguably the biggest celebrity in the planet right now, despite having minimal talent. Her claim to fame was a sex tape... and her lackluster performance between the sheets was far from unforgettable. She comes from a family who would do anything to retain this status, even having the patriarch get a sex change (Yeah, I said it). She is treated like royalty... her every move documented... yet has contributed nothing (or at least a lot more harm than good) to the well-being of society. We have always been obsessed with celebrities, only the obsession has grown wilder and the celebrities have become trashier.

I know you might be thinking I used Trump's asshole antics to trash on the Kardashian klan. And you might be right. But I see a direct correlation. And guess who else should?


Ok, maybe I'm using this 'you' thing too much. Don't lie, though, that shit looks mad powerful. But really, it's not far-fetched to see the difference. Trump sounds just like a graduate of Kardashian University, feasting on how we prey on public stupidity. We have become so entertained by such despicable behavior that it's no mystery why Trump has gained the national spotlight.

So the next time you're watching some bimbo embarrass herself on 'Love & Hip-Hop' or watching a massive McDonald's melee on Worldstar, don't be up in arms when a worthless 'celebrity' like the ones you spend your precious time watching becomes President of the United States. And don't you dare ask who's fault it is, because who already know the answer. It's...

...should I? Nah, you get the point by now.

Fuck it.
